Spine Protocols
We do not host, recommend or endorse any protocol but instead provide links to where surgeons and physiotherapists have posted their post-surgical and non-surgical protocols.
If you have any questions regarding your protocol, please contact your surgeon or physiotherapist.
This webpage is currently being updated
Cervical Spine
Orthopaedic Specialists of North Carolina (Fusion)
Southeast Georgia Health System (Fusion)
Texas Medical Institute (Anterior Discectomy)
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (Rehab Exercises)
Poole Hospital NHS (ROM Exercises)
South Shore Orthopedics (Radiculopathy)
Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Radiculopathy)
Vanderbilt Sports Medicine (Radiculopathy)
Thoracic Spine
Texas Medical Institute (Thoracic Outlet)
Osteoporosis Canada (After a Fracture)