Knee Protocols

Knee Protocols

Not all bone and joint injuries require surgery. 

Due to risks of surgery, elective surgery is only undertaken as a last resort and after a patient has failed to improve their joint function after completing a physiotherapist supervised non-operative rehab program. 

We do not host, recommend or endorse any protocol that is posted here, but instead provide links to where surgeons and physiotherapists have posted their non-operative and post-operative protocols.

If you have any questions regarding a protocol,  please contact a physiotherapist or surgeon for a copy a protocol they recommend. 


Non-Operative Knee Rehab Protocols

Arthritis – GLA:D Program

    1. Introduction to Exercise (2:19 minuteVideo)
    2. Leg Strength Exercises (3:55 minute Video)
    3. Core Strength Exercises (2:31 minute Video)
    4. Positional Exercises (2:30 minute Video)
    5. Functional Exercises (2 minute Video)

Anterior Knee Pain (Banff Sports Medicine)


Physiotherapy following ACL Reconstruction Protocol (1)

High Tibial Osteotomy (1)

Functional Testing Guidelines for ACL Reconstruction

Alberta Knee Replacement Guide 

Sunnybrook Hospital (Toronto)  – Knee Replacement Exercise Booklet

Vancouver Costal Health – Knee Replacement Exercise Guide

Saskatchewan – Knee-Replacement Post-Op Exercise Book



National Surgeon Directory

Non-Surgical Treatment

Private Surgery

Surgical Wait Times

Joint Replacements

Spinal Clinics