Dr. Fabio Ferri-de-Barros

Dr. Fabio Ferri-de-Barros

Department of Orthopaedics: Surgical Division of Pediatric Surgery

28 Oki Drive NW

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

T3B 6A8

Tel: (403) 955-7189

Fax: (403) 955-2813

Accepting new patients by referral only.

New patients must meet the following patient selection criteria;

  • I practice in a tertiary care setting and as such I strive to triage patients who need tertiary care and provide guidance to primary care physicians to provide care at the primary care setting.
  • Referrals by Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurses, Physiotherapists

Dr. Ferro-de-Barros’s Surgical Wait Times

Updated Dec 12, 2020